feeling your feelings- the power of peppermint
What I love most about peppermint are the emotional benefits it brings too. It is the oil of a "buoyant heart" states the Emotional Reference Guide, 4th Edition (2015). It states,
I find this absolutely fascinating! I love it as a reminder that emotional pain needs to be felt and dealt with healthily. Emotional pain is needed in order to find out so many things about ourselves and others. Our emotions and our reactions to our emotions affect our relationships with others and our relationship with our self-talk. I recently read an article about our emotions in relation to our significant other and his/her emotions. We give cues to others based on our feelings. The other person responds but not based on our emotion. He/She responds based on their emotion(s), which could be completely different based on their experiences and brain patterns. This is always something to keep in mind when we start to feel as if we are being completely misunderstood. We really are being completely misunderstood! And, it is not anyone's fault!The power of Peppermint can be felt most in times of discouragement or depression. When the individual is disheartened, they may use Peppermint to re-discover the joy of being alive. However, a person may also abuse the properties of Peppermint oil. If it is used as a permanent escape to avoid dealing with emotional pain, it can hinder growth and progress...It aids individuals who need a short "breather."

Maybe peppermint can come to the rescue!
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