accepting truth and onward!!

I had found this quote many months ago, copied it, pasted it, and stored it for a later date.  Rereading it now, I know that I did not have the same heart-wrenching, brain-brightening, and peace-enlightening feeling that I have right now in this moment.  New events, illuminating conversations, and restorative healing has taken place over the last few months.  There is a peace that washes over me when chaotic reactions occur or irrational thought is imposed upon me.  The very tiny voice inside my head...a brilliant inner dialogue (which has been muted often over the years) reminds me that I need to keep moving forward.  That helps me realize just how temporary actions, feelings, and thoughts really are in reality.  It helps me realize that the simple act of just moving forward is a way to accept the situation or the circumstance that appear to be a problem.  It allows me to let others just be and not get wrapped up in their tornado.  The phrase, "Not my circus, not my monkey" comes to mind often.  I also realize the time that it takes me to recover and move on from irrational thoughts of others and unjustifiable actions has diminished exponentially in the last few months.  It comes naturally to just...move on.

I have a quote on my Mac lid that states:
You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you.  True power is sitting back and observing things with logic.  True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you.  Breathe and allow things to pass.
I love this.  I have to read and reread it often some days and other days it is not so much needed.  But it is always good advice.  Especially when healing from emotional and mental abuse.  Especially when working with children who struggle with regulating their own emotions because of disabilities and trauma.  Especially when living in an irrational and unsafe world that society brings our way.

When we evaluate and recreate our self-care plans at my job, I am reminded that self-care is not just baths at night, a running regimen, or coffee in the morning.  Yes, these are important.  Yet, another very important aspect of a self-care plan is doing something everyday or often that nourishes the personal moral and social side of your personality.  These two aspects have nurtured my heart very profoundly recently.  I have two great "world" loves: doTERRA and Noonday.   I love what these two companies represent, provide, encourage, and accomplish.  I love who they help, support, and uplift.    I love how they benefit my immediate needs and my true self.  Two great companies that help communities and families directly and successfully by providing jobs, artisan skills, community centers, schools, empowerment, help for children, help for women, and the list goes on.  It provides these amazing opportunities that make the world a better place.  They help one accept the truth about the awfulness of the world and not feel defeated and overcome by it.

As I reflect, I can see my growth over the last few months and year.  I can see how much happier I am with myself...which is different than being happy with a situation.  I have learned that situations do not define who I am.  Circumstances do not determine my future.  Nourishing my heart with people who feel good, activities that bring good, and beliefs that are good is the best self-care plan I use.

Accepting reality and truths.  Denying false narration and irrationality.  Proceeding on.


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